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Functional Cysts Found in the Ovaries
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Người gửi:  johnwill5475 [ Thứ 7 20/05/23 3:28 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  Functional Cysts Found in the Ovaries

Demoid cysts are formed from a germ that is in the ovary; many times this germ is present at birth. These types of cysts grow very slowly and are rarely cancerous, 98% being benign. Demoid cysts often contain hair, teeth, muscle, bone, tissue and glands. As the ovarian cyst grows they can become painful, possibly twisting the ovaries or rupturing.

There are two types of Cystadenomas cysts; Serous cystadenomas, which are filled with a thin watery fluid and Musinous cystadenomas which are filled with a sticky, thick gelatinous material. Serous can grow to average of 2 to 6 inches in diameter, while the Musinous can become quite large and grow between 6 to 12 inches in diameter. Both types can cause twisting of the ovary resulting in extreme pain.

When an ovarian cyst is discovered to be of the complex type, they need to be evaluated through testing by your doctor to determine if they are cancerous. Even though not all complex ovarian cysts are cancerous, the possibility needs to be ruled out. Many times the only way to deal with complex ovarian cysts is by having them surgically removed.


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