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Crypto wallet
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Người gửi:  Urldona [ Thứ 3 25/04/23 23:20 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  Crypto wallet

Hi, folks! I've been exploring the world of cryptocurrency lately and I'm trying to figure out how to get my wallet balance using web3. I know there are a few ways to do this, but I'm not sure which one is the best. Can anyone please suggest a reliable and straightforward method to get wallet balance using web3? Thank you in advance!

Người gửi:  Catalist [ Thứ 3 25/04/23 23:20 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  Re: Crypto wallet

Hey there! To get wallet balance using web3, you can use the "web3.eth.getBalance()" function in JavaScript. This function takes the wallet address as an argument and returns the balance in wei. However, you'll need to convert the balance from wei to ether using "web3.utils.fromWei()" before displaying it to the user. Additionally, you can use third-party tools like Etherscan or Blockchair to check your wallet balance by simply entering your wallet address. I hope this helps!

Người gửi:  Urldona [ Thứ 3 25/04/23 23:21 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  Re: Crypto wallet

I understand how to get wallet balance using web3 now. Do you know any resources or platforms where I can learn more about web3 and its features? I want to become more proficient in this area.

Người gửi:  Catalist [ Thứ 3 25/04/23 23:21 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  Re: Crypto wallet

Here is a wallet with web3 get wallet balance technology, which I like for its usability and many features, including the ability to manage tokens. I think it is worth your attention. This crypto wallet allows you to get your wallet balance in just a couple of clicks. You can easily find out how much cryptocurrency you have in your account, you just need to open your wallet and click "get balance" button. This is very convenient, especially if you want to quickly check your balance before making a transaction or other operation. Thanks to this function, you can control your funds and be aware of your financial status. All this is done safely and quickly, which makes this crypto wallet a great choice for people who appreciate simplicity and ease of use.

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